期刊論文 2023 "All Are Not Equal: Taiwanese Public Opinion on Southeast Asian Immigration." (with Timothy Rich, Eliassen, Einhorn and Dahmer) International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Vol 6, Issue 1, pp. 60-81. (SCOPUS)
2021 “‘We Are Not Foreigners’: Constructing Migrant Subjects through Korean Chinese Migrants’ Claims-Making in South Korea.” (with Yang-Sook Kim) International Journal of Korean History, Vol 26, Issue 2, pp. 11-38. (SCOPUS)
"Le care pour les personnes âgées en République populaire de Chine et à Taiwan: une question de culture?" (with Alex Payette), Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques, Vol. 74, Issue 4. (EBSCO)
2020 "Culture or context? Comparing recent trajectories of eldercare development in China and Taiwan." (with Alex Payette), Asian Journal of Social Science, Vol 48, Issue 3/4, pp. 227-249. (SSCI)
專書論文 2018“Not all in the same family: Diverging approaches to family policy in East Asia”(with Ito Peng) in Handbook of Child and Family Policy, edited by Guðný Björk Eydal and Tine Rostgaard, Edward Elgar Publishing